Selling   Endgame JP Account - 81 4* units, 500+ memoria

Discussion in 'Magia Record Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by personifies, 7/21/23.

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  1. personifies

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    Sadly, I don't have time to play this game anymore. I've been playing since 2nd anniversary, so plenty of memoria. SE maxed on multiple units (see image.) Elemental Attribution is 100% complete. There's plenty of gems and other mats to max out level, magia & SE if desired.

    All plot/challenge content cleared, but there's still plenty of magia stories left for gem grinding if desired.

    Currently at 339 rolls. There's 2/6 of an innocence gem (which can be used to add a slot to any unit.) 6 destiny gems. You can trade 5 for any unit in the shop.

    I'll play daily until sold, so there will likely be additional currency when it sells.

    Video Tour:

    Full List of 4* Unitst:

    The picture attached shows all the units that I own. I have all 2* and 3* units.

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