Sold Endgame Day 1 account Rank , 71k Quartz, All ReZero + Xmas Collab, 28 SSR, 60

Discussion in 'Konosuba Fantastic Days Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by evanlin150701, 1/15/22.

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  1. evanlin150701

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Account details:
    +rank 89, 71k Quartz, almost 34k power team
    +18 skill potions, 17 4* tickets, 60 stamina beef, 2k skip tickets
    +28 SSR units, all welfare units (5/5/5)
    +ReZero Megumin +Xmas Wiz (5/5/5) max Affinity lv30, +5 Personal weapon, others Affinity: mostly +20
    +Weapons: Chunchunmaru +4, 2 assassin dagger +5, water scepter +5, fire staff +5, Rem's wp +5
    +Earrings: 4 earrings +5, you can craft lots more and +5 given the resources the account has
    +7 Axis medals, 55, Eris medals, 8k+...

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    #1 evanlin150701, 1/15/22
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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