Sold Endgame B9 8 maxed legends, paid skins etc

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by renxct, 12/14/21.

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  1. renxct

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    refer to the album above
    8 maxed legends, some more not quite maxed, has some resources like 4 legend skill books
    paid skins inc. gb dwen, baine, jin. latestBP gunther skin, dj venaka.
    very clean 4 letter english name (you can change it if u want)

    MM accepted or you go first. Paypal F&F only. If you want to use MM, fee is on you.

    B9's account swap system is completely secure - there is no way for me to take back the account once the transfer code is given.

    $90 or best...

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