TOP Ranked Account for SALE PVP and BP Ranking. # • via Paypal/Western Union or Meetup(Metro Manila/Laguna Philippines) • This account will be maintained and played until sold. Expect it to be stronger the longer this listing goes on. • The buyer MUST change name once bought. • You can bind the account to Facebook. or if you give me enough time to issue a transfer ticket, you can bind it to whatever social media or email you wish to. All images related to the account can be viewed in this imgur album: • The account has Rare Coordi for Edel, Lass, Ley, Rin, Lime and two Elesis. • Consistent Challenger Account • Abundant Shiny and Hero Resources • LB Ready for most future LB's • Maxed out Hero Training (240 Everything, Tank HT is on the way just 3 levels away) • Maxed out Defense Passive • Maxed out Party passives for most of the essential passives ( PATK, Max Health, MATK, Crit, CDR) • All T4~T5 Accessories. Current TAP/BP of SR Heroes as of this posting: Ronan: 168,471 Elesis: 185,746 Arme: 176,035 Lire: 183,332 Sachi: 171,445 Jin: 141,626 Edel: 162,481 Lass: 160,708 Ley: 165,312 Rufus: 154,937 Lime: 168,760 Rin: 163,161 Amy: 144,032 Mari: 102,032 Vega: 170,046 Zero: 145,367 Sieghart: 143,798 Veigas: 92,142 Ryan: 102,942 Anyone interested into buying it or for further questions, inquiries or negotiations please do not hesitate to DM me via Discord (Rimesrea#6969) or Facebook.