Champion: 62/62 Stars: 195/271 Levels: 1734/1860 6 star unlocked: Jinx, Vex a lot of 4-starred champion ******** Epic relics: 21/37 (details in pics) Paid relics: Starforged Gauntlet (limited relic, currently not available) Icon of Valhir Fear Cleaving Axe Jayce's Hextech Battery Norra's Portal Accellerator Shock and Awe Yasuo's Windblade Swain's Raven Army ********* Epic slot unlocked: unlocked 3 epic slots for about 50+ champions. ********* PoC resoucre: Have 1 Noxus and 1 PvZ crystal in stock. Nova shard and star crystal as pics below 11450 stardust in stock. ******** PvP resoucre: 90% cards. ******* Contact me on discord or direct message: Dous#5231 You can change region later. I am happy to provide further information if you are interested. Price is # Payment method: Paypal, wise.