Good account with 7 Nat 5★ Nat 5★ Lv60 Evo2: - Wood Valkyrie - Water Athur - Fire Persephone - Fire Shiva Just summoned, in leveling. (playing a lot everyday, will lv60 soon) - Water Valk (variant) - Water Odin - Wood Arthur Good 4★ (many of them are lv60, evo 3): - Light Anubis - Light Nike - Light Jack - Light Snowee - Dark Gatito - Dark Jack - Wood Hana - Wood Cupid - Wood Gatito - Fire Pepbol - Fire Fenrir - Fire Cupid - Fire Leo - Fire Bolt Wings - Fire Vampire - Fire Succubus - Water Leo - Water Yuki - Water Shellie ..... Please check with me for more details 18M gold now (can be converted to 6k Gem) 1k8 gem now Auto Golem B10 with ease Dragon B10 unlocked (need good luck to beat with 2 continues), Dragon B7 = cake A lot of good runes (Light Nike with 6★ Vampire set rune ~9k Def for example) Contact me via Kik or Skype ID: Zenga890 for good price. My positive feedback from other forum (+33): Zenga's Trading Feedback