Selling     Android and iOS END GAME LV 129 , 23 +K MAX MIGHT

Discussion in 'Dragalia Lost Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BlazSteinberger, 10/31/19.

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  1. BlazSteinberger

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    My Location:
    WTS my End Game account.

    Limited Characters: (FEH) Veronica, Alphonse, Fjorm, (EE) Ieyasu, DY Cleo,H Elisanne ...

    All Element teams 21k+

    4 5t3、fire blade MUB 5t3 ( 6 Damascus Ingot , you can MUB 1 5t3 weapon )

    MUB dragon : Leviathan , Jeanne d’Arc ( 5 Sunlight stone , you can MUB 1 dragon if you want )

    Facility level 1100
    -All Event Facilities except library
    -All Elemental altars 31
    -Working on dojos 18 + , Wand Dojo 32

    Mercurial Gauntlet Lv.124

    Will Continue playing until purchased.

    Serious buyers only

    For more information send me a Message.

    For more information if you are interested, you can write to my email or line,
    [email protected]
    line : blazsteinberger2000
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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