Selling  Android End game big account

Discussion in 'Naruto Ultimate Ninja Blazing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shigaa, 8/26/20.

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  1. Shigaa

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    Hello, I'm a player who started from the start of the game.
    I thought that the game was improving with some new features but this anniversary is by far the worst with 2 dead week and i don't want to continue this game.

    Maybe the game will be better in the future but it's too late for me.

    I have lot of BF ( The must have )
    I have almost all the BB characters ( last Madara nagato pain... )
    I have all the 7 star except the last naruto and sasuke ( get shafted )

    So the selling price is 300 but we can negociate.

    I have a lot of full duped characters or with all their good abilities, you can contact me on Discord for screen if you want.

    You can contact me on Discord: Thomas | Shiga#1908
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