Hello I have decided to quit Elsword for good and I have on sale account with 450 erp. Rena Vos +12 stage as DPS weapon and +12 FoJ full exp Weapon with some IB and CS avatars on it, gear is Rigo 4/4 +11 r0/21/0/21 and perfect Tenebros top and gloves r15 +11 Noah 2x Vos +12 stage 5 (1 is exp and second one is dps) with 4/4 r21 +11 rigomor gear with many CS and IB avatars on it. Both characters have end game titles such as BnW, Noah has 16-3 title and Rena is halfway there The account also has a few characters with FoJ +11 perfect for raiding there is some valuable items and there is around 3b ED on the account. El Collection is almost fully done. I accept offers, have a good day.