Sold End game account with lot of resources

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by aBo0w, 7/16/21.

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  1. aBo0w

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    Hello! I want sell my account! I made this account almost 2 years ago. It’s very endgame, my only personal goal which I didn’t make is to stay in platinum at reset.

    5,3m PP, almost lvl100
    Almost 16k GEMS/200m silver
    Few shards, 9 sacreds, pity is close to void and ancients too (60-80 away)
    CB is 1 keying every stage(100m on UnM) BatmanSaladeater with venus
    55 legendaries
    Nearly maxed GH (214)
    Both Hard DT cleared. Currently 44/100 on Urost, but didn’t cleared a secret room in this reset...

    End game account with lot of resources
    #1 aBo0w, 7/16/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
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