Sold End game account for sale 119 legendary champs

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by ObiWanShinObi, 7/11/21.

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  1. ObiWanShinObi

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    After 2 years of playing, I've decided to sell my main and only account.
    After spending way too many hours and completing everything in this game, it is time for a change.
    So I sell my super end game account.7.6pp (will get you into any clan or into my top 500 clan)
    Multiple plat finishes
    353 speed Arbiter
    Other top tier champs: Warlord, Lydia, Tormin, double Krisk, 5 Trundas!, Hegemon, Ursaga, Nekhret, Ithos,
    Khoronar, Blind Seer, Gurgoh....
    Bateatercomp 1 key all affinities, brutal to...

    End game account for sale!!! 119 legendary champs
    #1 ObiWanShinObi, 7/11/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
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