Sold End game account - Arena rank 242 atm - 24 4 including dupes 28k bp

Discussion in 'Konosuba Fantastic Days Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Milky1996, 9/9/21.

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  1. Milky1996

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    Hi all,

    Looking to sell my own account. Got a bit tired of the game as it feels kinda stalemate.


    4[​IMG][Royal Holiday] - Iris with 2 dupes
    4[​IMG][Treasure Hunter] - Melissa
    4[​IMG][High-Flying Thief] - Chris
    4[​IMG][Dancing Adventure] - Erikia
    4[​IMG][The Chosen One] - Mitsurugi
    4[​IMG][Mischievous Beast Girl] - Mia
    4[​IMG][Ice Witch] - Wiz
    4[​IMG]Megumi with 2 dupes
    4[​IMG][Nature's Beauty] Aqua
    4[​IMG][Swimming Suit] Aqua
    4[​IMG]Darkness [Total Ecstasy]
    4[​IMG][Swimming Suit] Wiz
    4[​IMG]Light Yunyun
    4[​IMG][Big sister] Cecily...

    Read more
    #1 Milky1996, 9/9/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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