Selling LLSIF WW Account: Rank: 712 Love Gems: 679 Gold: 145.141.481 Login Days: 883 Account Status: Not Linked to SIF ID Members: UR: 53 SSR: 57 SR: 236 + More in Present Box Support members: Lots! Items: Have 56 more Tickets (not listed here) from other ******** still in Present Box!!! Scouting Ticket: 30x Scouting Coupon: 55x 5th Anniv. Scouting Ticket: 9x 5th Anniv. Scout 11 Scouting Ticket: 3x Love Live! 9th Anniv. Scout 11 Scouting Ticket: 5x SoLL! Scouting: 1x SoLL! Scouting: 1x Team Scouting Ticket: 3x Event Story Key: 9x School Idol Skills: Lots! Titels: Lots! Wallpapers: Lots! Images: Price: 100€ Haven't played for long time and want to end my weeb life.