Selling my EN whale account. Rank 413, 43 URs (all idolized, 7 promos). Muse only account. Easy top 100 on score rankings, even for Aqours events. SCREENSHOTS: All team members are scorers. They all have at least skill lvl 4. Here's the number of scorer cards per skill levels: Skill Lvl 4: 8 cards Skill Lvl 5: 21 cards SKill Lvl 6: 1 card (This includes the 3 scorers that aren't in any of my teams) 7 team members have all 8 slots opened, 2 others have 6 slots opened and the rest have 4 slots. I also have 1 healer per attribute and 3 cool perfect lock cards. Since Smile Team is Honoka only, Cool Team is Umi only and Pure Team is Nozomi only, the teams are compatible with the upcoming School Idol Skills. You'll be able to use the character only skills to upgrade the teams when they're available. Currently have about 70 gems, 0 BT, 4 SSR stickers and 159M gold. I'm on Android. This account is the only main account I ever had. I spent a lot of time and money on it, almost 20k CAD (about 15k USD). Payment via PayPal. I posted my account on the trading FB group Rhythmic Five too. We can use a trusted middleman from this group for no fees or one from PlayerUp if you really want to. I can provide more screenshots on request. You can PM me or email me at [email protected], I also have Discord: Mariko #3480