I stopped play SIF and trying to sell my account. (Android device) - 24 URs ( 18 promo: 14 not bond max / 4 bond max ) - 12 SSRs ( 4 idolized: 1 not bond max / 3 bond max ) - 95 SRs ( 86 non-promo 12 idolized: 2 not bond max / 10 bond max ) ( 9 promo: all not bond max ) - A lot Rs and Ns not idolized/bond max - 184 Loveca - 9 Scout Ticket - 6 Blue Ticket - 3 SR+ Supporting Members Ticket - 4 SR+ SoLL! Team 2019 Ticket (you can use both Muse or Aqours) - 1 SR+ SoLL! 2019 Aqours Ticket - 1 SSR Saint Snow Exchange Ticket (present box) - 1 UR Woldwide Poster Girl Exchange Ticket (present box) - Sticker Shop: 99 N Sticker, 1 S Sticker, 2 SS Sticker A lot Goals not cleared, all Master Songs Aqours not played. Only Paypal!!