Sold EN Global Starters. PayPal, Wise or Skrill

Discussion in 'Grand Summoners Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheStaria90, 1/15/23.

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  1. TheStaria90

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    EN Global Server
    Fresh Starters. Story and events untouched.
    Contact me here at page or discord Stariko#4768
    Payment method Wise or Skrill.

    I dont use middleman services only sell direct.

    Account with Juno, Hao and Anna, Nui, Hydro Wave Liza, Awoken Miranda, Liza, Luahn, Swordsman Berwick


    Account with Emperor Isliid, Awoken Thetis, Awoken Rosetta, Awoken Miranda, Hart Xi, Priscilla, Guitarist Cosmo, Cestina


    Account with Slime Collab Santa Rimuru, Commander Forte, Awoken Luahn, Awoken Berwick, Awoken Liza, Awoken Roy, Collab Shaman King Tao Ren, Hart, Selia, Vox


    Account with Collab Slime, Santa Rimuru, Benimaru and Milim, Hart, Awoken Liza, Awoken Swordsman Berwick, Awoken Tamae e 20€

    Account with Collab Slime Milim and Santa Milim Awoken Miranda, Dark Fen, Awoken Swordsman Berwick, Collab Shaman King Tao Ren, Collab Kill la Kill Nui and Satsuki, 17

    Account with Collab Rimuru Awoken Vox, Awoken Miranda, Vultee, Liza, Collab Kill la Kill Ryuko, Awoken Rosetta, Awoken Luahn 20

    Account with Collab Slime Santa Shion, Simon, Awoken Berwick, Commander Forte, Demon Divine Celia, Awoken Cestina, Hart, Shield Hero Collab Melty 15€

    Account with Sakura Miku, Awoken Liza, Awoken Thetis, Awoken Berwick, Demon Divine Celia, Awoken Est, Collab Shaman King Yoh and Tao Ren, Collab Kill la Kill 3x Nui


    Account with Awoken Hart, Awoken Vox, Awoken Liza, Awoken Swordsman Berwick, Collab Kill la Kill Nui and Satsuki, Collab Fairy Tail Erza, Shaman King Collab Asakura Yoh 17€

    Account with Vultee-LR, Awoken Rosetta, Awoken Miranda, Awoken Berwick, Collab Units, Strength, Satsuki, Gray, Anna, Raphtalia, Selia 15€

    Account with 2x Awoken Vox, Commander Forte, Demon Divine Celia, Number 2, Collab Shaman King Yoh and Hao, Collab Shield Hero Melty, Kill la Kill Collab Ryuko, Cestina 17€

    Account with Awoken Vox, Awoken Miranda, Awoken Cestina, Awoken Liza, Collab Shield Hero Raphtalia, Collab Fairy Tail Natsu, Collab Kill la Kill Ryuko, Luahn 17

    Account with Awoken Berwick, Awoken Angelas, Dark Fen, Demon Divine Celia, Collab Tokyo Revengers Mikey, Collab Fairy Tail Natsu and Lucy, Collab Mushoku Tensei Eris, Collab Kill la Kill Nui


    Slime Units
    Only Rimuru 1.50
    Only Benimaru 1.50
    Only Milim 1.50
    Only Santa Shion 1.50
    #1 TheStaria90, 1/15/23
    Last edited: 1/28/23
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