Account 1 lvl 65 sorcerer +15 hyperion tome with MB 2 parts of hyperion gear, others are rune tribe(manastoned ofc) Hooverboard mount 3500 MB with sorc buffs and 2k mac Account 2 VETERAN lvl65 cleric lvl56 returning eternal gear with strife accessories lvl65 SM lvl56 returning eternal gear with strife accessories lvl65 AT lvl56 returning eternal gear with strife accessories lvl49 Gunner LVL30,40,50 ABYSS pvp gear with weapons, and godstones manastoned , enchanted lvl57 Bard lvl56 returning eternal gear This account has 50/70 3000hours of GP. I want to sell ACCOUNT 2 or trade I want to trade ACCOUNT 2 I'm only interested in ELY PERENTO accounts, with the almost same gear or better, it depends on you ! I would be happy with an assassin/ranger/chanter but i'm interested in all options. Feel free to contact me --> [email protected](reply in 30 min) --> Facebook. : Mihály Kolmankó(profil picture: me and my gf with a sea cost)[reply almost instantly]