Sold Elsword EU account +12 FoJ Luciel and +12 scroll

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ArmisaelKircheizen, 4/12/21.

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  1. ArmisaelKircheizen

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    Hello people, I am selling my Elsword account. Here are some screens if you want to see (can't post them here, ask me on discord!)

    I'm also selling a +12 scroll.

    My main character is a Luciel, an Innocent with a +12 FoJ weapon. +11 Crimson Rigomor armor reforge level 15/16/16/15. I have the best titles to farm and do damages (SD title, 11-5, 13-4, 13-5, 12-2 to come back to life, etc...)

    I have other characters as well, but they are just there to help me get stones in Rosso raid. I have...
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