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    1. Saiyanjin
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      Selling a high level JP Mobius FF Account. This is a high level account which places top 500 in almost all tower events.

      Below are the details:
      Ultimate Cards: Duncan, NeoExdeath, Minmu, Aerith (Multiple Companies)
      Ultimate Jobs (All): Cloud, Sephiroth, Lightning, Y'Shtola
      Player Level: 140
      58 Job cards total
      More than 7,800 ability tickets (tried getting another ultimate card during the free 88 ability tickets promo)
      141 Elixirs
      91 Fairy Tickets (will never run out probably)
      Lots of Mog Amulets, Extrangers, etc...

      Asking Price: $940

      Price is slightly #. You can contact me in whatsapp at +966 551 446 807

      This will be a really good account to have now as the new Darkness MP boss is coming and Duncan is pretty neat to have.

      You can view screenshots on the following link:
      • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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