Hello i am wanting to sell my elite dangerous account . The account has 4.3 billion credits And 7.3 billion in assets cutter and corvette are both unlocked and bought the account also has 2 anaconda one is a jump anaconda that gos 73.4 light year jumps and the othere is fitted for fighting . there is also a diamondback exp that has a 68.87 ly jump range othere ships include fer de lance , chieftain, python,kraitx2,asp exp the following Engineegs are grade 5 ram talt the dweller didi palin mcquinn cheung farseers jean tani fortune nemo tarquin Grade 4 turner martuuk Grade 3 Qwent Ryder founders would unlocked permits sol beta facece plx ross alioth buyer pays mm and paypal is payment method Or i would traid the accout for a high end BDO account with the buyer paying the middle man