Sold Elem PvP 510 GS - Lvl45 - Andromeda/Vulpin - T4 Luminous

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sellor11, 11/21/21.

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  1. Sellor11

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    Im leaving this game for LostArk (im the original owner) .

    WTS my Elem fully PvP (4 parts) with best first rolls and legendary Goblin weapon +8 with max weapon 3/3
    Helmet: crit hit power 3/3
    Top: decrease dmg 1/3, non combat recovery HP 1/3, projectile skill power 3/3
    Bottom: crit hit resistance 3/3
    Gloves: max weapon 3/3
    Boots: mov speed 2/3 + natural stamina recovery 2/3

    T4 Fate Altar
    112 slots

    Only have to get BT top and good BT secondary to finish the gear
    1M in bank

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