Sold [Electron + Node.js] Linkedin + Twitter Auto-Follower

Discussion in 'LinkedIn Services for Sale - Buy Sell | Safe Cheap' started by Hack Forums - Service, 6/21/19.

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  1. Hack Forums - Service

    Hack Forums - Service
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    I'd like someone to develop a service for me which offers a $5/24 hour or $30/mo subscription via Stripe.

    Register -> Verify code sent to email -> Customer sees control panel with functions blurred out due to not paying -> Customer sees "Upgrade to start using" and clicks -> Customer chooses a plan and adds a card -> Card is saved to account using Stripe and they can see the last 4 + card logo based on brand and exp in their settings -> Customer can update this card in their settings or remove it -> Actions are unblurred after paying

    Do a people search on linked in and have the bot auto-follow people in the search results. It should show them a percentage status of the following and how many people out of the total have been followed. Optionally in the settings they should be able to specify how many days to wait to un-follow a person automatically if there's no follow back.

    Do a people search on twitter and have the bot auto-follow people in the search results. It should show them how many people have been followed. Optionally in the settings they should be able to specify how many days to wait to un-follow a person automatically if there's no follow back.

    The 24 hour plan should have a configurable price in the backend which should be fetched and displayed on the desktop application. The monthly plan will be a product in the Stripe dashboard which lets us change the price in the future. Customers should be able to remove their card as well as cancel their subscription.

    Code Requirements:
    - Use await
    - Use puppeteer
    - Use arrow based functions
    - Use babel.js
    - Use import instead of require

    You must share me some design work you have done in the past. We want this to look really clean.

    Give me your cost for this project in the response and I'll get back to you.
    Start Contract
    #1 Hack Forums - Service, 6/21/19
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/20/23
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