Sold EDU EMAIL with uNLIMITED GOOGLE DRIVE + Microsoft OFFICE + Amazon Prime [10$ / steam...

Discussion in 'Amazon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/VictorGarciaGomez, 7/21/17.

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  1. /u/VictorGarciaGomez

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    I can offer you a .edu email that is personalised with your name and can be used for UNLIMITED Google Drive storage, Microsoft Office for FREE (student version), discounts for student Amazon Prime and various other web services. I can do it within 48 hours.

    It has the extension and although I can only guarantee that it will last 6 months, if it got deleted, I could definitely make you a replacement, but most likely, admins never get around to deleting accounts.

    Pricing would be 10$ Paypal. I am willing to accept Steam accounts or other types of accounts as a form of payment if they have things/games that I like.

    If you think it is overpriced, please consider that: -- 10TB on Google Drive costs $99.99 per month -- Microsoft Office Student Version costs $149.99 -- Amazon Prime costs $99 per year

    PM if you want to make me an offer or have any questions.

    # #/VictorGarciaGomez
    # .
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