Selling Eden Eternal Account Level 80 Diamond

Discussion in 'Eden Eternal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 12/8/14.

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  1. Games

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    I sold my eternal eden game account because the cost would need to pay my school fees,
    please purchased thanks

    Halfkins Female Level 80
    mimic the level 80 class, and other classes all 70+

    Gold Armor Set
    Level 70 Armor = Awaken Mighty Blesing (Cloth set)
    Level 75 Armor = Tampest Phoenix (Light set)
    Level 75 Armor = Sea General's (Heavy set)

    Gold Weapon
    Level 80 Devine Way Staff (Staff)
    Level 80 Accursed Violet Skull Cestus (Cestus)
    Level 75 Godly Skeleton Impact (Axe)
    Level 75 Infinite Cannon (Artillery Gun)
    Level 75 Master of the Heavens (Shield)
    Level 75 Unicorn Hopes (Pikes)
    Level 75 Heavenly Command (Sword1H)
    Level 75 Blood Fin Turning Blade (Dagger)
    Level 75 Deity's Punishment (Mace)
    Level 75 Arrival of Heaven (Club)
    Level 75 Demonic Sky Doomsday (Mace)
    Level 75 Phoenix Wingspan (Bow)
    Level 75 Eye of the Devil (Staff)
    Level 75 Demon's Sonic Brew (Guitar)
    Level 75 Blossom Shield (Shield)
    Level 75 Unbreakble Tample (Hammer)
    ------------------and More.. get to Archive

    Full Gold Ring, Necklace, Trophy, Back Back... get to Archive

    Set Costume Prime
    Shadow Kitty Ears (Prime) Head MP -5%
    Mysterious Lacey Veil (Prime) Head MP -5%
    Elite Mummy's Revenge Bandage (Prime) Face MP -5%
    Banana Cream Pie Popsicle (Prime) Special Head HP & MP +5%
    Mysterious Summer Kimono (Prime) Body HP & MP +5%
    Mysterious Alpaca Wool Cape (Prime) Body HP & MP +5%
    Mysterious Ruffle Two-Piece (Prime) Body HP & MP +5%
    Blue Seraphic Wings (Prime) Back CRIT & M-CRIT +10%
    Emerald Crystal Wings (Prime) Back CRIT & M-CRIT +10%
    Wings of Eternal Light (Prime) Back CRIT & M-CRIT +10%
    Legendary Dragon Tipped Staff (Prime) 2Handed ATK, M-ATK, G-Healing +5%
    Soul Sickle (Prime) 2Handed ATK, M-ATK, G-Healing +5%
    Round Moonblade (Prime) 1Handed x2 ATK, M-ATK, G-Healing +5%
    ------------------and More.. get to Archive

    Buff Prime
    Wind Meteor , Fire Meteor, Ice Meteor , Earth Meteor
    Courageous Spirit Luna Rock (Prime) WIS & LCK 3% for 1 Hour
    Crimson Spirite Star Gem (Prime) INT +3% for 1 Hour
    Ice Galaxy Star Stone (Prime) INT +7% for 1 Hour

    Mount Prime
    Formula One Racecar (Prime) 90% Move SPD 1P
    Peepers' Egg Carriage (Prime) 50% Move SPD 2P
    Silver Frost Tiger 50% Move SPD 2% HP BM

    Pet Prime
    Silver Frost Dragon 4Star Level 80 (Prime)
    Magic Ashen Kitsu Level 80 (Prime)

    Other Item
    15-Slot Pack x 3
    20-Slot Pack x 1
    EXP Charm x 60
    CP Charm x 100
    Complete Support Potion lv5 x 200
    Wonder Pocket
    Fate Dice x 200
    ------------------and More.. cek to char ALT

    Bonus YuMmy
    Gold 10000 Gold
    Makeover Cosmetics Set x1
    Heroic Trait Transformation Tome x1
    Memory Tome x1
    ------------------I Give u free for Bonus if done BUY

    OFFER $550 could be less - accept paypal only
    Contact me
    Phone Number 081344669976
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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