Hello. I want sell my characters (still 5 days of voucher to use): *ED on OPEN PVP server. I did that ed ~8 months, 100% manual. 424 lvl / 102 mlvl on website (104 with loyality points (35%) Outfits: Full: Summoner, Barbarian, Assasin, Hunter, Citizen, Warrior, Death Herald + Mage with one addon Mounts: Scorpion King, Draptor, Sparkion and some cheaper Quests: On our server we did not complete forgoten knowledge quest, but ofcourse he has access to all bosses. He has 100 points, and ~700 demons killed so far. Ferumbras and gold bosses access I am leaving on this characters full eq, all loot etc and some kk's for start. *RP on OPTIONAL PVP server. He is my oldest character, also 100% manual. 462 lvl Outfits: Full: Citizen, Barbarian, Wizard, Druid, Assasin, Beggar, Brotherhood, Conjurer Mounts: Midnight Panther, Flamesteed, Gnarlhound, Sparkion and some cheaper Quests: Ferumbras and gold bosses access NOT started Forgoten Knowledge Quest RP is generally naked, only some shits like prismatic set etc. I need 620 $ for this acc, no Tibia Coins or others. For more info send me message. Your Cebix