Simply as the title says, been trying to find +14 or +15 infinity twin swords on UsE vindictive market forums but nobody seems to be selling idk if less people are enhancing or what but if anyone has some let me know i will pay a reasonable price, if i have to i can buy an account with them on it aswell but would prefer just buying the swords themselves, if anyone has some let me know and hit me up with the price you want. Add me on Skype and let me know you're adding me for this joshuaw409 is the Skype it will be listed as Bronx/Joshua Hope to buy these rather quickly but will be checking this for a bit, thanks and happy trading! Note Middleman will be hired at your own expense, unless you have credible vouchers or trustworthy history I won't go first. However if the trade results in a high price/cost transaction I don't mind paying for half the price. .;