Selling Earn money using Facebook.! (Including picture proof)

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    1.Allow this application Via Facebook..


    EasyCash! on Facebook. | Facebook.

    -Use my referral link if you want to. (Tell me if you did so I can check and + you!


    EasyCash! on Facebook. | Facebook.

    2.You will receive 1.00$USD once you registered.

    3.Do some offers & surveys until you reach 5$USD [at least you need to reach 5.00$USD to claim money Via Paypal.]

    4.Go to account page, you will be able to save your paypal email. [If you don't have paypal account yet, you can sign up here: Pagamentos online no Brasil e no exterior – PayPal Brasil ]

    5.You will receive your payment for every 1 or 16 of a months .

    6.If you already receive your payment please check your paypal account u will be able to see your transaction via EasyCash.

    Proof here:

    anyone from here tried this yet? like someone high up in the ranks

    offers & surveys

    damn =_=

    It is gonna take a long time before you can earn some decent amount of money with this.

    Originally Posted by razathru

    It is gonna take a long time before you can earn some decent amount of money with this.

    But does it work?

    The application shows being credited with 1$, but you can never confirm until the payout. Waiting for friends to join!!!

    Our payment cycle is every two weeks, on the 1st and the 16th of every month. We issue payment to anyone who meets the minimum payout threshold of $5. We issue payments through PayPal.

    We pay you $1.00 USD for every 100 Cash Points you collect!

    Cash points for the surveys are in the range 49,48,28 & 9. Surprisingly one with 2550cash for a domain thingy but to get that you need to pay 11.95$ per month. Only a loser will want this offer!!

    Only referrals could be the potential earning, otherwise a lazy work.

    It works but you earn much much nothing D: You can't be rich using this... unless you has 1M referals

    You earn by doing offers/surveys and inviting people.

    Every 100points = 1$

    Every invite = 1point

    Offer/surveys = depends some 100, some 2500, some not even 100... etc

    true it is a bit slugish i do have lockerz invites the only prob is this site dosent allow me to publish that im giving away invites sadly

    Sorry for the troubles, but it actually pays and the offers or surveys aren't hard. But yeah, it might take awhile.
    #1 Games, 7/29/15
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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