Sold Early AK Accounts CHEAP (Surtr/Kaltsit)

Discussion in 'Arknights Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by zgxtbh, 10/27/21.

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  1. zgxtbh

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    All payments via Paypal FnF only. Note that I am online GMT+8 hours
    Bundle deal: Get 2 accounts for $3 [​IMG]

    Acct 1: $3
    Lv17, 3-1 story, SV-7 event auto, around 30~ pulls on limited banner, no pull currency atm

    Acct 2: $2
    Lv11, 2-7 story, event untouched, 2k+ sanity, no pull currency atm

    Acct 3: $11 - SOLD

    For any questions or inquiries DM me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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