Selling  Global  High End Early 2014 old account with lots of sugos and super sugos.

Discussion in 'One Piece Treasure Cruise OPTC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shali gonzales, 7/31/23.

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  1. shali gonzales

    shali gonzales
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    Hello I am selling my one and only old account I played OPTC way back 2013 and lost my first account because I did not bind it properly. Now this 2nd account was been in 8 anniversary of OPTC now. I have a lot of memories and I enjoy my time playing this one epic gacha game. Now I am ready to let go, coz I really need cash. I am sad that I am letting this my only account go, I even spend money for this account lots of gem sale i did bought.

    I am definitely missing some of the latest sugos, like Oden family, Ifrit sanji, ashura zoro, alber and Jack. I am missing some of treasure sugo, kizuna legends and rumble legend. But I think im only missing like 22 legends or below.

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  2. Soul3reaker

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    Hello there. Do you have the og log luffy and strawhats? And my second question. Are all Ships ther, incl. laboon, grand feast big top and all anis?

    greez Soul
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