Selling  Android and iOS  High End EA-56 Rank 254 Whale account

Discussion in 'Evertale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Alhucard, 8/14/23.

  1. Alhucard

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    Unverified Member

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    My Location:
    Has 27 Fully awakened characters and many more ranging from 1-3 awakens.

    Awakened characters include:
    Lanya, Sanya, Eanya, Lance (not the new one), Selm, Wcallen, Emysha, Gyrulle, Bjeanne, Djeanne, Ljeanne, Wsnow, Dsnow, Commander Astrid, Bastrid, Fant, Freya, Blud, Miz, Dossia, Blud, A&A, Merlin, Fhibiki, S young rizz, Erei, Lhibiki and Nagi (if you count Nagi as a worthwhile FA)

    Has 8 lvl 200s as well 2 180s

    200s: Bastrid, Commander Astrid, Freya, Lance, Bjeanne, Emysha, Wsnow, Lanya

    180s: Selm and Fant

    Other notes:
    account is pre joined to Valhalla (I was leader till I stepped down)
    Account is VIP 11 almost 12
    Has 19k stones as of today (Aug 14) and will keep growing as time passes
    1400 green pots (will grow by 30-80 a night)

    Payment details:
    Please message me on my discord @ JaysonT_T for offers and to discuss a payment method. I also offer photos of whatever you want to see
    #1 Alhucard, 8/14/23
    Last edited: 8/17/23
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