Sold DUST10450 | 450 Legendary | 832 Epic | 1680 Gold | Heroes:49 | 19586 Achievements | handleveled Tota

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zmishe23, 12/1/24.

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  1. zmishe23

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    Info of Account

    450 Legendary! 832 Epic! 1680 Gold! Heroes:49! 19586 Achievements! handleveled

    (ex: Thassarian, Deathbringer Saurfang, Frostmourne, Alexandros Mograine, Final Showdown, Lady Stheno, Altruis the Outcast, Felerin, the Forgotten, Kayn Sunfury,

    Metamorphosis, Prosecutor Meltranix, Battleone Your opponent, Rhythmdancer Risa, Ruch, Jotun, the Eternal, Zai, the Incredible, Caria Felsoul, Argus, the Emerald, Star, Floop's Glorious Gloop, Archspore Msshilin, Guff

    Runetotem, Kiri, Chosen of Elune, Twig of the World Tree, Wing Commander Mulverick, Elder Nadox, Greybough, Ixlid, Fungal Lord, Wildheart Guff, Aya Blackpaw, Lady

    Anacondra, Toyrantus, Colaque, Goru the Mightree, Malfurion the Pestilent, Owlonius, Anub Rekhan, Cenarius, Freya, Keeper of Nature, Defend the Dwarven District,

    Professor Slate, Tavish Stormpike, Zixor, Apex Predator, Dragonbane, Dragonbane, Professor Putricide, Rinling's Rifle, Barak Kodobane

    Barak Kodobane, Product 9, Spurfang, and more...)

    -832 EPIC CARDS!

    Current rank: GOLD
    Best rank: Legend

    -Achievements: 19586!

    - Arena Wins: 269!
    - Total Ranked Wins: 4872!
    - Battlegrounds: 377!


    (ex:Scarlet, Scourgeborne Arthas, Thassarian Arthas, Zombie Queen Scarlet, Arfus, Felravager Illidan, Aranna, Demonbane Illidan, Felblaze Illidan, Pirate Illidan, Druid of the Flame, Cenarion Malfurion, Lunara, Storm's Rage,

    Ambassador Faelin, Sylvanas, Giantstalker Rexxar, Tavish Stormpike, Alleria, Bakin' Brann, Khadgar, Dragon Dance Celeste, Apprentice Dawngrasp, Apprentice Jaina, Arcane Sentinel Jaina, Sir Annoy-O, Liadrin, Arthas, Uther

    Lawbringer, Yrel the Knight, Roaster Magni, Rocker Rokara, Shadow Gul'dan, Bobble Mal'Ganis, Felheart Gul'dan, Kabal N'Zoth, Nemesis Gul'dan, Nemsy, Trader Rafaam, Garrosh the Chained, Garrosh of Might, Garrosh

    of Wrath, Magni, Pirate King Garrosh, Priest, King Anduin, Anduin of Prophecy, Banshee Tyrande, Tyrande, Absolution Anduin, Deathmantle Valeera, Maiev, Nightslayer Valeera, Agent Scabbs, Bandit Edwin,

    Frostwolf Thrall, Earthfury Thrall, Morgi, Snowman Thrall, Ten Storm Thrall)

    - CARD BACKS: 138!

    - GOLD:1680! DUST: 10450!

    - Region: Europe!
    -Curency: EUR
    - Battletag free change: No

    * Please be reminded that cards shown in description and screenshots include its own collection and also cards from the Core Set. According to the developers, around 30% of the Core Set will be rotating every year




    WHY US ?

    All our accounts are 100% SECURE. We do not sell any stolen accounts.

    We sell many accounts at very CHEAP price compared to other stores.

    Username & Password is changeable.

    Don't be shy to contact me to ask abouta anything!

    More Info of Account






















    #1 zmishe23, 12/1/24
    Last edited: 12/3/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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