Selling  Duel Links Account, Competitive Account with 90% of meta cards only for 180$ !!!!

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Gems for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by mohammad89, 6/7/18.

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  1. mohammad89

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    I will sell my account because I don’t have time to play

    I have 90% of meta cards

    These decks that u can create it with my cards:

    - Alien & Alien Ananta

    - Amazoness

    - Archfiend

    - Hazy Flame

    - Cyber Stein OTK

    - Fire Fist Hazy

    - Geargia

    - Parasite Infection

    - Sylvan

    - CA Saffira

    - Crystal Beast

    - Dinosaur Control

    - Flying Fish

    - Sea Stealth Attack

    - REZD

    - Counter Fairy

    The characters:

    - Yami Yugi lv40

    - Kaiba lv34

    - Joey lv34

    - Mai lv40

    - Tea lv41

    - Yugi Muto lv33

    - Weevil lv30

    - Rex lv40

    - Mako lv40

    - Yami Marik lv30

    - Yami Bakura lv30

    - Bandit lv30

    - Ishizu lv30

    - Odion lv30

    - Pegasus lv30

    - Mokuba lv30

    - Paradox lv40

    - Arkana lv30

    - Bonz lv3

    - Jaden lv32

    - Aster lv30

    - Jesse lv30

    - Chazz lv30

    - Alexis Rhodes lv38

    - Vellian lv34

    - Bastion lv40

    - Syrus lv30

    I have 18 UR stones and 108 SR stones ( I have 95% cards from card trade x3)

    Drop Skills:

    - Destiny Draw

    - Luck on your side

    - Last Gamble

    - Life cost 0

    - Duel standy!

    - Flight of the Harpies

    - Harpies' Last Will

    - Titan Showdown

    - Dino Rampage

    - Menace from the Deep

    - Three-Star Demotion

    - Labyrinth Builder

    - Dragonic Fusion

    - Radiating LIGHT

    - Power of the tributed

    I have now 1350 gems and 500k golds

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