Why I joined ? It's simple I want to help you and your Duel Links account and do your boring and time consuming work in grinding cards, levels, gems and events ! Why I am doing this ? It's easy ! I want to help new player and old players, my idea is to boost your account, while you do your important tasks at school, work and etc. ! Of course as we all know on this planet nothing is done without money. But it's alright you can check my prices down below ! ( It's okay I am not gonna charge for some shitty prices like 100 dollars for 10 levels ). Is this a scam ? As we know our Duel Links accounts are precious to us, my idea is not to steal accounts and then sell them, because I can get caught ( Cyber Thieve ). My idea is simply to help players with farming gems, levels and etc., because as we already know THIS IS SO TIME CONSUMING AND HARD ! So no this is not a scam. Attention ! Since I want to prove that this is not a scam I will leave my personal email here : [email protected] so you can contact me at any time ! If you decide all my actions in your account will be monitored ( recording a video while farming or live streams in discord ). PUT A DOUBLE AUTHENTICATION ON YOUR KONAMI ACCOUNT AND KONAMI ID Things that I promise to do in your account : ⦁ Farm gems ( from Duel Quizzez, Characters or events ! ) ⦁ Grind characters for Cards ⦁ Farm Events ⦁ Grind levels ⦁ Grind Keys ⦁ 9k duel assessment I will not steal any personal information connected to your account, your information is safe ! Prices : Attention Prices may vary depending on the task ! Farming Gems from duel quizzez - 1k gems = 6€ or $7.25 | 2k gems = 12€ or $14.50 | Expected time : 1-2 hours after the payment ( sometimes even less ) Farming Gems from characters + leveling up - 12€ or $15 for 1k gems and levels Expected time : Depends Farming Events - Depends on the event I my basic prices are around 10€ or $12 for getting a whole event ! Expected time : Depends Grind Characters for cards - Prices depend on rarity prices are listed below ! Normal : 10 cents per card Rare : 50 cents per card Super rare : 1€ or $1.20 per card UR : 4€ or $5 per card ATTENTION : If I need to farm keys too, prices may vary from around 3-10 € or $4-11 ( added to the price of the card that you want ! ) Levels Grind - Characters from level 1-10 * 0.10€ or $0.20 per level | From level 10-20 * 0.50€ or $0.70 per level | 20-30 * 1.20€ or $1.50 per level | 30-Max * 3€ or $3.60 per level Expected time : Depends on the levels ! Here is a link to the exp needed for leveling up : https://www.duellinksmeta.com/guides/new-players/exp-farming-guide/ Key grind - Prices may vary, but they are around 0.01€ or $0.02 per normal gray key and 0.05€ or $0.06 per other keys ( Not really expensive ) So 100 normal keys are 1€ or $2 100 red keys are 5€ or $6 and so on and so forth 9k duel assessment - 0.50€ or $0.60 per Legendary duelist 0.20€ or $0.24 per Standart duelist Special Bundle : 9K assessment + leveling up + gems farming + keys + cards for only 40€ or $48 Thank your for you attention ! Hope you buy something ! Email for contacts : [email protected] My discord : Dio Brando#3656 Instagram. : velyu.petrov