Ds Account level 92 for sale. Stats reset available, change name available. Obtained CLass 13 - now im between class 11-13 depending the opponents im facing Im running now a vehicle form (blizzard (proper team with 4/7 veerks sk40+ at-at copilot (1 is 8/15,the other is 4/7) + tie advance (vader ds 4/7 as pilot) ) with short lane made of 4/7 old sid sk10,dooku eor sk23,4/7 old gg and 4/7 vcc and the following cards with skills: cc cody sk40,slave leia sk40 , veers sk40(pilot for blizzard) ,sim aloo 4/7 sk40 and mas ameda 4/7 sk35 U can check my formation here: 120-349-657 - Kratos90 Prints completed (Lvl5) : NR-N99 Tank Droid Arc-170 Starfighter Tie Interceptor Soulless One Snowspeeder A6 Juggernaut Y-Wing Homing Spider Droid AT-TE Octuptarra Magna Tri-Droid Bongo Tie Bomber AAT AT-AT Hailfire Droid LAAT/i X-Wing Tie Fighter Naboo Starfighter Jedi Interceptor The rest are minimum level 1. 8 hangar spaces I have in hangar one Scimitar Lvl5 with cloack and 2 concussion Missile. Cards: 5*: 4/7 Old Sid sk10 - 120 $ (locked on account) 4/7 Dooku Eor sk23 - 60$ (locked on account 4/7 Maul Sin - 36 $ (locked on account) 4/7 Old GG - 40$ 4/7 Old Dooku - 20 $ 4/7 Vader Cloud City sk1 - 60$ 4 bases C-3po & r2d2 (may the 4th limited edition) 4* sk40: 4/7 Sim Aloo - 20$ 4/7 Veers - 20 $ 4/7 Slave Leia - 20$ 8/15 Dark CC Cody - 25$ 4/7 3* Mas Ameda sk35 - 15 $ Other Notable cards ( the rest are bonus for buying the account) 2 x 4/7 Aura Sniper sk1 - 5$ each 4/7 Orn Free Taa sk1 - 5$ 4 bases Bib Majordomo Agen Kolar ( support card)- 2 bases and 1 evo 1 gold 4/7 4* Jango Fett - 5$ 4* 4/7 GG sk1 - 5$ (locked on account) 4/7 Vader (DS) - 2 bases and 1 4/7 4/7 4* Old Chewie sk1 x 3 - 5$ each Han BOb 4/7 sk1 - 10$ 4* Old Han 4/7 + 2 bases 8/15 DD-13 Healer sk1- 5$ 8/15 Shadow Stormtrooper - 8$ 4/7 Shadow Stormtrooper - 5$ 6 bases Tie FIghter Pilot - 2 $ each 4/7 Tie Fighter Pilot - 8$ 4/7 Lama su sk1 8/15 Viper Probe Droid - 5$ 2 x 8/15 Stormtrooper (Stun blaster) 5$ each 2 x 8/15 Clone Trooper 212th Attack Battalion ( crew for A6 Juggernaut) - 5$ each 8/15 Clone Trooper : 91st Reconnaissance Corps ( crew for A6 Juggernaut) -5$ 8/15 At-At Pilot sk1 - 10$ 2 x 4/7 At-At pilot sk1 - 5$ each And other cards pilots and copilots for different vehicles Total aroud 563 $ Because of those locked cards the price is 200$ !!