i have full rt account called dren4211 i want to sell it if u want to buy my face book is [email protected] i want money (bank transfer) show every thing with messenger Facebook. before u buy First Mellee is 1-billhock 2-goldentrackerhead manager SDSD (old wep) 3-SpyBrella G 4-Bright Nether Blade 5-Golden Tracker Head Modi 6_Golden tracker head PRO 7_BlueBrolly 8-Pink clover 9- steel hammer 10-mad wrench RIFLE Gold Rifle Ushas of Dawn nacho Pepper SHOUTGUN ADv KW79 Cannon Steel Foxgun CajunFox Adv driver SNIPER AWSM Proton gun Cluass Scope sea eagle Hunter71375 GATTING GUN 2 harvester adv dardev B134 Dardev Bazooka Hellcat LunarBeam Sherif pound pocket rocket Pawn Grenade Predator Adv exile pulse exile 1Morething the least weapons was upgraded until lvl5 NOW GO TO PARTS HEAD BrownSchool Hair for kia 2 Helius Helmet for Sopitia Cyclopis head for CHIP
There are too much parts i cant tell u about it all so please if u want to buy account add ([email protected]) i show u all Parts and weapons in account