Selling  DragonVale Legit Service, Gems, Cash, and more

Discussion in 'DragonVale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kingro23, 3/24/23.

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  1. Kingro23

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    Good day.

    We are a group of skilled programmers. We have been operating on both Android and iOS since 2016. Over 20,000 customers worldwide rely on our low-cost, guaranteed services.

    We offer the following services for DragonVale and we will add more in the future.




    No banned guarantee:

    Yes, you may purchase with complete confidence. We guarantee you will not be banned from the game. We want our customers to purchase from us, stay satisfied, and even invite their friends. That won't happen if only one profile is banned, will it? Because of this, we have been going above and beyond to ensure that the items we add to your gaming profile are completely hidden and cannot be tracked by game dev in the short or long term. The items we add to your game profile will appear legitimate, as if you earned them or purchased them from the in-game shop.

    Free sample:

    We provide a free sample (test) for all games that we support on our platform. The free sample that we provide varies depending on the game. To find out what free sample you will receive for your game, click here and head to description section.

    Since all of our games come with a free sample. We offer this service to skeptics so they can test out our services without having to use a credit card and be assured that we won't do them any harm.

    Service for other games:

    It gives us great pleasure to announce that we are now offering service for more than 20 games that you guys requested via email and other means.

    In the upcoming weeks, we'll be adding additional games. Please assist us in adding the games you enjoy to our website. Simply respond to this blog post by stating the name of the game you are playing and the platform you are using. However, don't get your hopes up just yet because several games are currently uncrackable.

    Please try out the games we've already included. They are all online and have access to gamers all around the world. With our assistance, you'll have a lot of fun eliminating your adversaries.

    Here is a list of the games we have so far uploaded. As always, we have a no-ban guarantee for these games:

    We still have more games to add to the list. If you think a product should be added to one of the games we've mentioned, please let us know via IDOTService live chat.

    We are waiting for your feedback.

    Have a nice day.

    IDOTService Team.
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