Account contains Lvl 95 Lancea (Avalanche) Ign: Rakumei Costume: Red Peony Head, Purple Peony Top, Bottom, Leggings and Shoes Wings: 2x Pure White lily of the Valley Tail: 2x Pure White lily of the Valley Full Purplion Accessory set : 1 Necklace, 1 Earring, 2 Rings Mount: Cold Ice Heart Ninetail Armour is as follows as of now: Head, Top, Leggings: Tier 1 Calypse, +5, +6, +12 Bottom and Shoes: Tier 2 Medea, +10, +11 Weapon: Both are Tier 2 Calypse, +9 and +14 Accessories: Chiron Necklace and Rings, +1 Crystal of Flame (1st step) earrings. I will be constantly updating this account and adjust the price accordingly as im still playing. Price is very reasonable as there are more than 1 set of wings and tails. Character is not perfect but what fun is playing a perfect character? Has room for improvement but at the same time the costume items make it an enjoyable time . Will facilitate the change in Cherry Credit email as well as any other queries!
Wtf 244$ for this piece of love you account without even skilla gear. Either close this acc sale or lower the price to like 15$ Coz no one would buy this