DragonFable (DF) # Requests

Discussion in 'King Of Hunters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Silent, 12/17/17.

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  1. Silent

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    Hello, everyone. Given the fact that there is currently no thread for DragonFable (DF) # requests, I have decided to make this one. As always, remember to follow the RULES when requesting a DragonFable (DF) # and you may only post your game # request here. Posting it anywhere else will result in a post/thread deletion and you may even be infracted for it if you turn out to be a repeat offender. Do NOT release requested game hacks in this thread. This thread is solely for # requests for DragonFable (DF). If you want to release a requested game #, then to do it in a separate thread.

    You MAY post your game # request in the following format:
    Name of the #: (Here you may write what you want the # you want to see released to be named to).
    Purpose: (Here you may write what you want its purpose to be).
    Extra: (Here you may write anything else you wish to add to your request).
    If a user happens to proceed with your request, you will be able to find whatever # you requested here. They may or may not mention you if they do happen to release it so make sure to check the section in question out often.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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