Looking for at least $700. Characters: Main: Crusader Alts: Black Mara, Ice Witch, Destroyer, Arch Heretic, Dragoon all level 93 Have level 1: Dark Avenger, Silver Hunter for reserve. Main has 5/7 Epic Costume Pieces. Missing Top & Gloves. 4/4 Epic Jewels and a Sound Wave Decal. Have epic pet as well. alts have rare costumes from Cash Shop. Alts have pets and epic pets as well. Main has Full RUDNU Set with +11/+10 on Weapons and +8-+10 on armors. He also has +10 IDNL Flail in storage. Main has 2 Genesis Rings and Genesis Earrings. Technique Accessory for Electric Smite on Necklace. Main has various plates with bonus stats & all rare talisman. Main has 20k gold on his character and small amounts on others. He also has lots of various cubes and stuff pictures below. Main has lots of stamps as well 250+. Pictures: Message me on discord if you have any questions. I will only go through middleman. Discord: Xanax Boy#1965