NOTE: THIS IS FOR DN MOBILE , NOT PC VER Account is from M1 (MERGED with TH server) *SIAM GAME ID (NOT email/gmail/Facebook. linked) BP: 17 m Character: Magic (now: sorceress. Mainly for Oracle Elder) *have coupon change job (1) if you want to change job Dragon ware: 3/4 complete for Oracle Elder. Other dware available too *Inscription available for you to take any skills you desire *4k diamonds / 23k dc *COMPLETE 7 sets of RUNE DRAGON with S stat *2 Legendary wings (cherry blossom and hot summer) *4 different L fairies (1 moon 2 stars in 3 fairies) *15 S mounts (with other A,B mounts) > DOUBLE KAYAK inside (limited ver) *Top Guild with spouse and Squad (you may leave the guild if you want/ divorce / leave sq) *A lot upgrade items available REASON TO SELL: too busy working, i feel the account is a waste if i didnt take care of it. Please do adopt it! FOR MORE INFOS DO REPLY HERE OR MY DISCORD: seppuku#6339 *PRICE IS CHEAP AND #