Sold Dragon mania legends LVL 118 iOS

Discussion in 'Dragon Mania Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by M3ntosek, 12/18/23.

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  1. M3ntosek

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    I want to sell my dragon mania legends account, I don’t have much time to play and need some money.

    I spent a lot of money on this game (around 2000€).On the account I bought all divine, ancient and all bosses that give you some items.

    Yamad dragon 7000 gems (ancient)
    Ares dragon 6500 gems (divine)
    All boses that give items 5000 gems each
    I have all of them so total cost is 20000 gems. I also bought 2 legendary dragons for 100€ each planet dragon and exoplanet dragon (they are exclusive)
    Eternal fruit tree lvl 12

    3 ancient
    5 primal
    18 divine
    73 different legendaries

    If you need more information write me a message on pm

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