Hot Sale: USD 200 (Negotiate) Update as at 26/06/2020 RUBIES : 2.8mil++ Accessories: 6pcs of El's Brooch (Level 180), 6pcs Relic of the Crimson Pig King(Tailsman) lvl 170, 3pcs of Token of Eternal Goddress(Level 150), 6pcs of Mysterious Cryptid Seal lvl150, 1pcs of Ancient Dragon Charm lvl140 Bell Snow Star: 480 Transcended Essences: 701k++ Souls of Gaia : 95 Gold: 18,000,000,000++ First Impact : 6 ( FI Prometheus +3 with sss EL's Gaia Weapon) Exalted heros: 97 Arch Buster lvl: 229 Rune Level : 143 Transcended Equipment: Lvl 193 Jewel: Inifinte Begining "R" grade ******** Skill Card: lvl132 Buster lvl: 41 Main Character: 7 6 Character lvl 156 and (except Warrior) (Incanter, Archer, priest, Mage, Pala are infinity level) Character Enhance Potion: 2280 Equipment Gear: Arch Lvl150 with RED max Stat Overlord: 40 Soul: 398 EL Gaia's Weapon: Highest Lvl SSS grade Alteration Card: Highest Lvl 15 Challenger Dungeon: 3530 Lvl ( For picture, i still figure how to post on to it)