Sold Dragon Blaze Account

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Pyrozeus, 4/13/17.

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  1. Pyrozeus

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    Selling Dragon Blaze Account. Top Rank 50!

    Selling my Dragon Blaze account. :cool:

    Dont have the time to keep playing it. Americas Server!

    I still keep up the Farm. All pets are activated, Eligoes 7 days left, Tia 15 days left!

    10 SSS ally fodder in inventory, with 5 SSS permanent in the Mail, 46 SS ally in inventory , and 6 SS with 4 S ally permanent in mail box!

    Ally's are changing and essences because i am Enhancing my Transcends Units!

    All Ally's and Main Characters lvl 108 with latest 105 raid Gear! For World Boss and PVP!

    4 Limit break Units!

    Transcended Bloodwind+Max

    Transcended Greysoul+6

    Transcended Blackaria+3

    Transcended Deathcrown+4

    Ult Keys Total 12!

    Gigantes Helios+ULTIMATE

    Gigantes Tethys+ULTIMATE

    Gigantes Atlas+ULTIMATE

    Dark Soul Askr+ULTIMATE

    Dark Soul Sasha+ULTIMATE

    Dark Soul Tierh+ULTIMATE

    Dragon Buster Iota+ULTIMATE

    Dragon Buster Omega+ULTIMATE

    Dragon Buster Ouranos+ULTIMATE

    Dragon Buster Stigma+ULTIMATE

    Dragon Buster Epsilon+ULTIMATE

    Dragon Buster Pluto+ULTIMATE

    Gigantes Promethius+3

    Dark Soul Ragnarok base

    Total Keys 14!

    All Diety's associated with they Key's are Ult!

    Additional Diety's are!

    Tinuvian the Poiison Fang+ULTIMATE

    Merciful Mercedes+ULTIMATE

    Flame General Turq+ULTIMATE

    Rollo the Inventor Princes base

    Ally's that are saved for dietys are!

    Captain Shabelle+MAX

    Hero King gram+MAX

    Lilith the Succubus+MAX

    High Commander Patta+MAX

    Calgar, Wolf of Death+MAX

    OrcWarrior Arckard+MAX

    Aura Windule+MAX

    Dark Elf Eirden+MAX

    Rollo the Princess of Varman+MAX is for Hyperion Titan, which right after that you can make Hyperion Gigantes.

    Total Diety's 32 and 31 are ULTIMATE.

    6 available Gear Link slots Unlocked!

    Priest link, Rogue link, Archer link, Paladin link, Mage link, Warrior Link! All link have full sets with Highest Gem and most gear with 3 slot's including accessories!

    Costumes on most Characters! All Main Characters have ALL space slots available including the Bank, And Nightmare Tittles on all Main Characters!

    Accessories. x2 Monkey Brooches $200 value, Celestial lvl 100 U accessories x8 and Light Sword accessories lvl 80 U x11. Most with Gems must see in inventory!

    All possible Duel cards Available for upcoming Transcends! Currently Farming Material, at the moment.

    20 titan essence, 20 Hero essence, 20 light essence, 980 Magic Scrolls, several Star gems! Sitting at 1.79Bil gold almost at Cap!

    All possible sets available for World Bosses like. Golem, Hydra, Titan Guild Adventures, and Sharriet!

    Pvp sets are also available with team metas! A Top rank 50 account give or take on RNG must see screan shots!

    I farm 1000 Shoes a day so Rubies are locked currently at 1500 rubies a week.

    Selling to serious Buyers Only with Paypal. Will be using middle man. Selling for $500Fixed. Or Middleman!

    The account already has over $500 invested into it!

    Any questions comment down bellow or email me. :eek:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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