DRA29 Lv100 | 477 Dragon - 36 Rarity H - 55 Rarity M (4 Dragon 5 Star) - 128 Rarity L ( 20 Dragon 5 Star) | 10k3 Trophies - 275K Points H: High Moon 5Star+Skin, High Harpy 5Star+2Skins, High Arcana 5Star, High Corrupted 5Star+Skin,... M: Hexed Vampire 5Star, Corrupted Chaos 5Star, Greedy Vampire 5Star, Fragmented Karma 5Star,... A lot of Dragons Rarity L 5Star You can see all the pictures here ===>> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/imed1u8pj3nsdxhfv62c5/h?rlkey=dny7ozd68txap6hpo8k7soosw&dl=0 https://playerup.com/ ------******----- Price : Please contact me before you buy it. I will check if it still exists and assist you - Discord : playerup.com (Online 24/7) - Whatsapp: playerup.com - instagram. playerup.com - Telegram : @playerup.com (Online 24/7) ***You can offer directly on this post or click here to buy ---- Website --- https://playerup.com/ Payment method : BTC - Wise - Skrill - Credit Card - Binance - Western union ******||||||****** Welcome to playerup.com In need of a Trusted, Legit & Cheap account service? ---------*************---------- *** if you want to become our sales partner. you can register to sell and make profit on playerup.com *** All personal information and transactions are confidential and secure. --**-- -------