Selling  All Platforms  Other Region  Level 101-300  Challenger  400+ DPS 4400SR OW1 GENJI OTP GRANDMASTER/TOP 500 | GENJI OWL | ECHO OWL | LIMITED SKINS | SILVER BORDER

Discussion in 'Overwatch Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Akeono, 11/22/22.

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  1. Akeono

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    To purchase this account add me on discord Aekono#9692
    To purchase this account add me on discord Aekono#9692
    To purchase this account add me on discord Aekono#9692
    To purchase this account add me on discord Aekono#9692

    Overwatch 1 S36: 4400 DPS Genji OTP (Top 50). (Screenshots below)
    Account was last placed in S36 finishing 4400 on DPS.
    Account has not been touched in Overwatch 2, however maintains the MMR meaning you will play with the highest ranked players. (You are likely to place much lower if you decide to play comp on the account due to Overwatch 2 lowering the ranks of everyone - you still have 4400 MMR though.
    Genji has a few OWL skins - Mayhem, Boston + many legendarys and epics (Screenshot below).
    Echo has Houston Outlaws OWL skins. Lots of limited time skins from weekly challenges and a lot of the base legendary and epic skins for heroes.
    Golden Guns: Cassidy, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, Mei, Tracer, Ana, Baptiste,
    Remaining Competitive Points: 3340 (1 free golden weapon of your choice).
    Legacy Tokens: 8530 | OWL tokens: 45

    Account has silver border (Overwatch 2 removed levels so the border you see in the screenshows will be the border forever).
    SMS Verified - Fake virtual SMS attached, cannot be removed or updated and is purely cosmetic - OW2 requires SMS to play the game.
    free battletag name change
    Account country: United Kingdom
    Account is not region locked - can be played anywhere (EU/NA/Asia/...)
    All login details can be updated to your own - email, password, secret question, first and last name.




    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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