Full Prestige Account : https://steamcommunity.com/id/aaabbbcdd - IO, ES, WK, QOP, Windranger, Spectre, Drow, Razor & Void Arcana Prestige (All limited arcanas available!) - Amaterasu Courier - Untradeable Lina, Zeus, MK, Techies, LC & Pudge Arcana - Sky & VS Crownfall Arcana Included - Prestiges from BP TI6-TI11 + Nemestice, Aghanim, Anniversary & Crownfall (LC Wing, Kunkka Shoulder, Lion arm, Green immortals, Tiny immortal, Axe naked, Invoker Dark artistry set for persona, Hoodwink immortal, Primal Beast Immortal, Anniversary Items & Crownfall Items) - Complete Personas (Invo, pudge, Am, DK, Mirana, CM & PA) - Diretide Roshan - Ti10, Nemestice & TI11 Radiant and Dire Creeps - TI10, Aghanim & TI11 Radiant and Dire towers - Giftables items worth $3800 https://steaminventory.org/?id=aaabbbcdd - Rank TBD - Lots of bundled collector caches from previous years - Steam level 8 - Lifetime Warranty for recall - Email change to yours - Price : $1400