level clan: 19 league: crystal 3 wins: 575 losses: 237 draws: 6 Ways to contact me: Telegram, Line: +989905069756 ID in Telegram and Line: @clash_services Discord: clash_services#9358 The clans is available from level 16 to level 26My rules in the transaction: Payment via Tether 1_ First send me the tag of the village you want to be the leader, I invite your village to the clan, you enter the clan and it is proved to you that the clan belongs to me 2_ Then you pay, payment is possible only through Tether or Bitcoin. I live in Iran, because of the severe US sanctions against Iran, we Iranians can not use PayPal, Perfect Money, Web Money, etc. accounts. For this reason, the only way to pay for digital currencies is Tethar and Bitcoin 3_ After payment, I will transfer the leadership of the clan to you