Sold Don't miss this opportunity! Saviors, costumes, multiple chars...

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Skydevildiver, 5/18/17.

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  1. Skydevildiver

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    Hello and welcome to my sell thread. It's been a awhile since I've sold anything valuable other than gold so here I am once again trying to sell something good to you guys. Anyway, I've been thinking for a long while about whether selling this wonderful account or not. It seems that I need to move on to other games since I've already accomplished my goals on DFO. Honestly, I had a blast playing DFO and this is probably the only 2D game I enjoyed the most out of every other games I played in the past. One lucky buyer will have a chance to purchase this account and enjoy many wonderful things from it such as multiple characters and nice looking costumes etc. Read along if you're interested to find out what's instore for you!


    :::::::::::::::::::::What You Can Expect From This Account:::::::::::::::::::::

    1. Multiple high level "geared" characters
    2. Over 20+++ high level alts
    3. Numerous characters capable of "Anton Raid"
    4. Many costumes on different characters
    5. A stash full of materials and potion that will help you with awakening quests & aid you in dungeons etc.
    6. Account filled with characters capable of gold farming pretty quickly
    7. Farm countless of epic souls and use them to FARM EPICS ON YOUR ALTS!

    :::::::::::::::::::::Account Perks:::::::::::::::::::::

    If you buy my account with a good offer that I'm pleased with, I will offer the following perks listed below

    1. Youtube videos for each raidable characters on how to raid properly and successfully
    2. One Month of my online support for your Raid Characters, how to use each character, general questions, or anything you have in mind etc.
    3. A list of leads of Anton Raid Leaders where you can get access into raids easier.


    :::::::::::::::::::::Characters::::::::::::::::::: ::
    Level 90 Saint
    1. 9 piece Vow of Silence[ALL UPGRADED TO LEVEL 90]

    Level 90 Nen Empress
    1. 6piece Gracia + 3/3 Gigantic Presence Accessory Set
    2. +10 Reinforcement Savior Tonfa
    3. Untradable Rare Avatar Clone Set 8/8
    4. Full Khai Swap & level 30 Khai(Angelic Power + 3x Divine Flower +Sea Gods Belt + +1 Khai Top + +2 Khai Title + Tainted pieces that gives Khai)
    5. 9 Piece Luminous Fist Set

    Level 90 Blade Dancer

    Level 90 Asura

    Level 90 Majesty

    Level 90 Nen Emperor

    Level 90 Draconid

    Level 90 Demon God

    Level 90 Aiolos


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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