Sold Dominations # crowns and starters pack from admins

Discussion in 'DomiNations Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by beckok, 5/4/17.

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  1. beckok

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    Dear agents of Dominations,

    Exclusive # from admins who played and coded the game for 2 years, since its beta patch. Most packs of crowns are # between 40%-60%. Gifts for alliance members are included

    Mountain of Crowns 14,000 crowns 60 dollars (huge gift)
    Plethora of Crowns 6,500 crowns 30 dollars (big gift)
    Mound of Crowns 2,500 crowns 15 dollars (medium gift)
    All Starter packs with extra citizens are all the same price as above

    My ingame name is Asc Dr House, from one of the top 30 alliance of Dominations
    We bought wholesales about $50,000 of Itunes gift cards to be able to get this # on all apps. So all the transactions are safe.

    I also hold 2 accounts level 207 (450 dollars) and level 186 (380 dollars). Please contact if you are interested, the prices are #.

    Accept transaction via Paypal, Moneygram, Xoom, etc.

    If you have question, please feel free to contact our FB page:

    Or Gmail: [email protected]

    or on line at: Duoc Do id: 8951217

    We are from the United States, and have clients from Indo, Vietnam, Malaysia, The philippines, Thailand, Russia, the US and Canada

    Please feel free to ask any question
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