Does This Seem Shady To You?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MON5TERMATT, 2/28/18.

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    not sure if this guy is scamming me, he has multiple vouches....

    - - - Updated - - -

    add on : No offence to you, it's not just for you. I tell everyone that if it doesn't work right.
    by Mon5termatt
    Today, 12:10 PM

    Okay relax man. It doesn't work because i forgot that the account will activate/rechange password when i press a button, and i will ONLY press it when i get da money.

    And fam if you scam-report me or chargeback i will scam-report you and get ya fat love you banned

    by SelfMadeVagina
    Today, 12:22 PM

    im relaxed, i just always put that on there to tell people that i will file reports if they scam me, it is nothing aginst you personally, also my love you isnt that fat

    by Mon5termatt
    Today, 12:34 PM

    fam u think im stupid? everybody knows that ppl are opening scam reports if they get scammed.. when you put that there, it sounds like a threat tbh. And sry for callin ur love you fat

    by SelfMadeVagina
    Today, 12:35 PM

    lol,no problem man, im just on the safe side, (as much of a safe side there is on these websites) (which isnt much)
    #1 MON5TERMATT, 2/28/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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